Weight Loss Myths Exposed!

Written by Kim Beardsmore

As a weight loss coach I speak will people regularly about their view and beliefs surrounding food and nutrition. It probably won’t come as a surprise to hear there is a great deal of confusion around nutrition. In fact, many people reading this article will have only a scant idea aboutrepparttar different food types and what our body actually needs to keep healthy.

One ofrepparttar 150893 simplest systems I’ve encountered is this. Ifrepparttar 150894 food tastes good, then it has to be ‘bad’ for you! And then there’s its counterpart, “Ifrepparttar 150895 food tastes ‘bad’ then it must be ‘good’ for you”. You may identify with these views, or some closely related version! Nutrition for some has been reduced to a concept of ‘good’ and ‘bad’ with little else.

Some common weight loss myths that people believe - which aren’t true!

Myth #1: Cutting down on portion size isrepparttar 150896 best way to lose weight. Not on its own. If you attempt to lose weight by just eating less, you are likely to gainrepparttar 150897 weight back. Lasting results will come from changingrepparttar 150898 types of foods you eat, not justrepparttar 150899 amounts.

Myth #2: Just cut out fat and you’ll lose weight. This approach to weight loss, popular inrepparttar 150900 80s, simply doesn’t work for most people. Even if a food is labeled “fat-free,” it can still be high in calories from sugar and hidden carbs. Effective weight loss comes from being mindful of your total calorie consumption as well as your fat intake.

Myth #3: Cutting calories causes your body to go into starvation mode and slows weight loss. This is untrue. Your body’s resting metabolic rate can vary by about 15%. Nevertheless, eating too few calories and an inadequate amount of protein can make you lose precious lean muscle mass, which will eventually slow metabolism, forrepparttar 150901 long term. Ideally, stick torepparttar 150902 calorie and protein amounts that are right for your body withrepparttar 150903 Herbalife™ program.

Getting The Best From Your Body

Written by Kim Beardsmore

The body automatically functions, and we automatically take it for granted! We expect our body to keep going and not complain, however much we abuse it. But it does complain, with headaches, backache, indigestion, colds, skin rashes: just a few ofrepparttar minor warnings. Whether you are running a home business, major corporation or a family if you relate to these 'mild' complaints you just may need to pay attention to protect your most important asset: your health, your ability to think clearly and your emotional strength.

Without paying attention to keeping yourself well, you may slip into more serious warnings of 'self-abuse' and progress to serious conditions like diabetes, heart disease and cancer. A few simple changes can make allrepparttar 150892 difference torepparttar 150893 long-term health of your body,repparttar 150894 clarity of your thinking,repparttar 150895 strength of your emotional well-being andrepparttar 150896 long-term viability of your self-propelled business!

Food is fuel

What you eat and drink provides your body withrepparttar 150897 fuel to carry out allrepparttar 150898 physical and mental activities that get you through each day, including breathing and blinking! Some foods, such as fruit and vegetables, provide excellent fuel, with lots of beneficial nutrients. Other foods providerepparttar 150899 body with poor quality fuel laced with undesirable chemicals, such as over-processed junk foods. What percentage of your current diet is providing fuel-efficient, nutrient-rich food? Find out by keeping a diary overrepparttar 150900 following week - jot down everything you eat and drink and then analyze your fuel source. The better your fuel source,repparttar 150901 longer your life expectancy…

…So improve your choice

Choose meals and snacks that are kind torepparttar 150902 body, i.e. naturally-produced and chemical free. Fresh (preferably seasonal) fruit, vegetables and salads retain their nutritional content - they are 'living' foods. Avoid foods that have been over-processed, stored for too long or stored in contact with metal or cling-film. You could class these as 'dead' foods, with little to offer nutritionally. Variety is also vital, helping you obtainrepparttar 150903 broad range of nutrients your body needs.

Less is more

Eating large meals puts a great strain onrepparttar 150904 digestive tract. Choose smaller, more frequent meals, which help keep your fuel tank topped-up throughoutrepparttar 150905 day. And never forget thatrepparttar 150906 more you eat,repparttar 150907 more your body has to either burn off or store as fat. So eat to live - don't live to eat!

Give your stomach a fair chance

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