What causes Gray Hair

Written by G Marwick

At some stage in our lives, both men and women will experiencerepparttar on set of Gray Hair. Contrary to popular belief Gray hair is not always related to ones age. Gray hair can occur as young as in our teens and range into our late 50’s and even older.

Everybody is different butrepparttar 135928 pigment of our hair is generated inrepparttar 135929 same way. The cells in our hair follicles called “Melanocytes” generate pigmentsrepparttar 135930 main one being Melanin. This gives our hair its “Color”. When these Melanocytes stop producingrepparttar 135931 pigmentrepparttar 135932 result is a transparent hair. The transparent hair against your healthier darker hair givesrepparttar 135933 appearance of Gray hair. In realityrepparttar 135934 hair is not Gray but transparent.

The main reason for our hair behaving this way is heredity. If your mom or dad started going Gray at a young age thenrepparttar 135935 chances are you may also suffer from premature Gray hair. This is not alwaysrepparttar 135936 case. Age does play a large part inrepparttar 135937 graying process. The pigment inrepparttar 135938 hair shaft is generated from cells atrepparttar 135939 base ofrepparttar 135940 root ofrepparttar 135941 hair and as we get older these cells start producing less pigment until there is no pigment at all inrepparttar 135942 hair and we end up withrepparttar 135943 transparent hair.

Don't Read This Article About Ephedra

Written by Lee Cummings

Because you will stumble uponrepparttar facts and no longer be confused.

There’s a lot of confusion out there about “Ephedra” and “Ephedrine” and exactly what they are.

I wrote about this a couple years ago and it’s time to write about it again. There’s a lot of information so pay attention – here we go.

Ephedra is back inrepparttar 135905 news again.

This time because of a decision last week by a federal court in Utah that struck downrepparttar 135906 fda ban of Ephedra. First of all, herbal Ephedra was never banned. Ephedrine alkaloids were banned. Ephedrine isrepparttar 135907 active ingredient in Ephedra. And Ephedrine alkaloids arerepparttar 135908 synthetic super concentrated version of Ephedra.

The fda has stated thatrepparttar 135909 ban is still in effect for higher doses (above 10mg) of “ephedrine” products. And thatrepparttar 135910 agency is considering its options “with respect to next steps”.

There is a whole lot of controversy surrounding Ephedra Because it has been confused and misrepresented by those who are confused about what it is and is not.

Ephedra is an herb which is perfectly safe when used in quantities that meet U.S. mega-dosing laws. Just like it’s been used in Asian cultures for thousands of years for its health benefits.

And because it is a broncho-dilatorrepparttar 135911 actual herb Ephedra is one ofrepparttar 135912 most widely used and effective treatments for asthma.

Do you really think Asian cultures would use something for thousands of years if it was dangerous? Let’s give credit where credit is due.

Because torepparttar 135913 misuse ofrepparttar 135914 word Ephedra all ofrepparttar 135915 negative associations of Ephedrine alkaloids have been transferred torepparttar 135916 natural herb Ephedra. Including a number of deaths caused byrepparttar 135917 synthetic Ephedrine alkaloids.

And this is how Ephedra has become demonized.

Pseudo Ephedrine HCL is found in nearly every overrepparttar 135918 counter cold and decongestant sinus medication.

Pseudo Ephedrine, like Ephedrine alkaloids is a chemically altered form of Ephedra. Most of these overrepparttar 135919 counter medications have many timesrepparttar 135920 content of concentrated ephedrine alkaloids as compared to weight loss and other nutritional supplements - most of which containrepparttar 135921 natural form of Ephedra.

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