What is Data Visualization?

Written by Joe Miller

Data Visualization is Interactive

Have you ever booked your flight plans online and noticed that you can now not only view seat availability but also choose your own seat? Maybe you have notice that when you want to look up information online on another country, you may find a website where all you have to do to get political, economical, geographical, and other information is drag your mouse overrepparttar area ofrepparttar 140003 country in which you are interested.

Maybe you have put together a business presentation consisting of multiple levels of complex marketing and budget information in a simple display which allows you to review all aspects of your report by simply clicking on one area of a map, chart, or graph. You may have even made predictions by altering some information and watchingrepparttar 140004 graph change before your idea.

Warehouses are tracking inventory. Businesses are tracking sales. People are creating visual displays of information that meets their needs. The traveler,repparttar 140005 student,repparttar 140006 average worker,repparttar 140007 marketing executive,repparttar 140008 warehouse manager,repparttar 140009 CEO are now able to interact withrepparttar 140010 information they are looking for with data visualization tools.

Data Visualization is Imaginative

If you can visualize it in your mind, you can visualize it on a computer screen. The avid skier may be interested in comparingrepparttar 140011 average snowfall at Soldier Mountain, ID. Doctors and students may need to comparerepparttar 140012 average cancer mortality rate of men to women in Montana or Hawaii. The examples are endless.

FileNet and Other Collaborative Solutions

Written by Joe Miller

Inrepparttar midst ofrepparttar 140002 bustle and shuffle ofrepparttar 140003 collaborative whirlwind of documents, drafts, e-mails, and electronic documents that is 21st century business, it is important to evaluaterepparttar 140004 best collaborative software suites available onrepparttar 140005 market today. FileNet packages have stepped up torepparttar 140006 plate to seek to provide helpful tools for organizingrepparttar 140007 enterprise content that exists inrepparttar 140008 modern-day corporation: e-mails and drafts of presentations, reports, and budgets.

FileNet is a provider of collaborative document management. FileNet helps to organize and file electronic documents and drafts, making it easier to put togetherrepparttar 140009 pieces ofrepparttar 140010 often complex business collaboration puzzle.

The business process may sometimes seem in serious disarray. With each project and report there could be any number of individuals forming a committee, including members of management and clients. The trick is to bring into one documentrepparttar 140011 individual ideas of each group member. FileNet recognizes that this process necessitates sending e-mailed drafts back and forth, saving multiple versions of a document on multiple drives and servers, and organizingrepparttar 140012 drafts prior to merging.

FileNet provides an electronic system in which to track systematic editorial processes of businesses. FileNet is installed withrepparttar 140013 ability to integrate with most IT infrastructures. Businesses may choose other collaborative software, or groupware that covers more informal, or ad hoc, processes that FileNet cannot cover. The important thing is that businesses find collaborative software which meets its specific needs.

FileNet has opened many doors to document management, and other companies have built uponrepparttar 140014 idea of providing software to track document versions. Other collaborative software solutions provide additional technologies, such asrepparttar 140015 Digital Thread by NextPage.

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