What is with all these Gurus?

Written by Jim Hoffman

I am sure you have noticed that there seems to be a unlimited amount of experts and Gurus online all telling yourepparttar best ways to run your business, get sales, market your website and just about any other subject known.

While many of these individuals may not be giving you allrepparttar 120279 great information they promised before you bought their product or service. Many others can give you a wealth of information that would otherwise be hard to find or hard to explain without their help.

How do you makerepparttar 120280 correct choice?

The Negative

After being online for many years, I have to confess that findingrepparttar 120281 experts that are truly experts is difficult and has cost me many hours and a lot of cash.

Many ofrepparttar 120282 programs and ebooks I have purchased have been nothing more than rehashed information that I had seen over and over.

But with all negatives there are ....

The Positives

Now I am going to go and contradict myself and say that even thoughrepparttar 120283 ones that I bought that had a lot ofrepparttar 120284 same information. I did get something out of them.

Keep in mind thatrepparttar 120285 person writing this ebook may not be all that much of an expert, but they certainly have some knowledge inrepparttar 120286 field they are representing, orrepparttar 120287 offer they have wouldn't be so compelling to me to buy it.

So, even though I may see a lot ofrepparttar 120288 same information, I did get one or two techniques or ideas that I was able to use to my advantage and make my site better, my offers better or even saved myself some money inrepparttar 120289 long run.

The trick to gettingrepparttar 120290 most out of products you may get that don't measure up to what you expected is to read them carefully and then re-read them again.

There is sure to be something withinrepparttar 120291 product that you can use that you didnt know. Whichrepparttar 120292 bottom line is, if it shows you something that you didn't know it is worth what you paid. Especially if you are able to use that new information (however small) to your advantage.

Make Your Business Card Your Best Salesman

Written by Rick Hendershot

One ofrepparttar most important building blocks of a good marketing plan is your business card. It is far and awayrepparttar 120278 most likely item to find its way intorepparttar 120279 hands of your most important business contacts. And it isrepparttar 120280 one thing that is likely to remain when all your other marketing materials are long gone.

In other words, your business card is much more than just a piece of paper with your name, address and phone number printed on it. It is a powerful sales and marketing tool. And it should be designed with that purpose in mind.

What can a business card do for your business?

Before askingrepparttar 120281 inevitable questions aboutrepparttar 120282 design of your business card, you should ask what its function in your overall marketing plan should be. A properly designed business card has at least four important marketing functions. Here they are:

1. It helps you to introduce your company. 2. It provides critical contact information about you or your company. 3. It conveys your most important sales message. 4. It communicates your corporate image.

An introduction to your company

This may seem obvious, but think about it for a minute. Think of your business card as a tool for opening doors. Think of yourself at a meeting, or even at a social event. What better way to introduce yourself to a person than to hand them your card?

I'm not talking about shoving your card on people who don't want it. I'm talking about using your card as a tool to make useful connections with people who are likely to appreciaterepparttar 120283 introduction.

This suggests you should think of appropriate introductory "openers" to accompany your card. For instance, say you're at a business connections meeting. Sincerepparttar 120284 purpose ofrepparttar 120285 meeting is to meet people and do "networking", you might try a simple card swap strategy: "Hi, I'm Harriet Phillips. I'm swapping business cards with as many people as I can. Here's my card. May I have one of yours for my contact file?"

Every situation will be a bit different, butrepparttar 120286 function ofrepparttar 120287 card remainsrepparttar 120288 same: it provides you with an excuse to introduce your business to people who might be able to use your services.

Provide critical contact information on your card

Before you put your business card intorepparttar 120289 hands of prospects, you want to make sure it communicatesrepparttar 120290 most important things about you and your company.

Deciding what information is "critical" will vary from business to business. The basics are pretty obvious: your name, your company name, your business address, andrepparttar 120291 most effective way for people to get hold of you — probably your telephone number and email address.

Rather than putting your cell or pager number on all your business cards, you might make a point of writing it onrepparttar 120292 card when you think it is appropriate: "Here, I'll give you my cell number, just in case you can't reach me at my office number." That givesrepparttar 120293 impression you're giving this person special treatment.

Include Your Most Important Sales Message

Even more important than giving prospects your basic contact information is conveying your Most

Important Sales Message. According to Cesar Crespo of Free Card Business Card Displays, "Business people often miss a golden opportunity to make their business card a powerful sales tool. Our clients are often surprised at how much more effective we can make their cards."

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