What the Heck Does Vincent van Gogh Have to do With Internet Marketing?

Written by Titus Hoskins

Whatrepparttar Heck Does Vincent van Gogh Have to do With Internet Marketing?

Everything and Nothing! On my modest marketing web site I have a copy of a Vincent van Gogh portrait I created for a charity fund raiser some years back. It makes my main page load slow and more than a few people have suggested I should remove it - besides they say - van Gogh and Internet Marketing. What'srepparttar 120999 connection?

It all boils down to stubborn old learning habits that never die!

Let me explain - I am trained as an artist - one ofrepparttar 121000 best ways to learn how to draw or paint is to copyrepparttar 121001 Masters. Spend a few hours copying a van Gogh, a Monet or a Durer and you will learn more in those few hours than months spent inrepparttar 121002 classroom pouring over color theories, composition charts, and paint mixtures.

Learn by seeing thrurepparttar 121003 eyes ofrepparttar 121004 Masters!

They have been there, done that, and they have solved allrepparttar 121005 major problems for you. It works perfectly and artists have been learning this way for centuries.

When I started internet marketing I appliedrepparttar 121006 same method. (Did I mention I was stubborn!) A few hours studyingrepparttar 121007 Masters - their techniques, their marketing tools, their mind sets - saved me and they will save you from months (if not years) of trial and error.

Findingrepparttar 121008 Masters wasrepparttar 121009 hardest part! With so many proclaimed and self-proclaimed 'gurus' onrepparttar 121010 web; findingrepparttar 121011 genuine article among allrepparttar 121012 'bovine deposits' was extremely difficult.

However, it wasn't long before some names kept popping up, again and again.

Mark Joyner, Neil Shearing, Michael Glaspie, Phil Wiley...!

But where do you find these masters of internet marketing in order to study and dissect their marketing techniques - and yes 'copy' their 'Methods'. After all, a few hours studying their methods will save you from months of trial and error.

Get Maximum Impact from News Coverage

Written by Rusty Cawley

The whole point of PR Rainmaking is to userepparttar news media to attract new clients and customers. So doesn’t it make sense to getrepparttar 120998 most out ofrepparttar 120999 publicity that you generate?

Here are seven ways to do just that:

1. Focus onrepparttar 121000 print media: Yes, it’s great to get your face on TV or your voice on radio. Butrepparttar 121001 medium that provides you withrepparttar 121002 most opportunity is print. Why? Because it’s much easier to pass along a newspaper article or a magazine feature than it is to get a prospect to listen to a cassette or to watch a video. Cheaper, too.

2. Supply prospects and influentials with a steady supply of clips: Make plenty of high-quality copies, then mail them torepparttar 121003 folks who can help yourepparttar 121004 most.

3. Package your articles into a media kit: Organize your clips, have them professionally copied and package them. Reporters loverepparttar 121005 security of knowing that others have previously written about your company.

4. Buy reprints for your best hits: Most publications offer quality reprints of their articles. Forrepparttar 121006 very best of your clips, payrepparttar 121007 extra bucks and getrepparttar 121008 official reprints.

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