What triggers/Causes BACKACHE?

Written by Leonard Alexander .M

Poor Posture

Lack of exercise

Standing or bending down for long periods

Sitting in a chair that does not provide enough back support

Sleeping on a mattress that does not provide enough back support

Lifting, carrying, pushing or pulling heavy loads, or going about these

A fall.

The most important cause of backache is obesity. Carrying excess weight puts a strain onrepparttar back, on bothrepparttar 113620 bones andrepparttar 113621 soft tissue (muscles, ligaments, and joint tissues). The excess weight in front ofrepparttar 113622 spine, onrepparttar 113623 abdomen and chest, leads to pullingrepparttar 113624 body forward, causingrepparttar 113625 back muscles to be under a strain to holdrepparttar 113626 body erect. A weakening of these structures by fat that grows intorepparttar 113627 tiny spaces around blood vessels and alongrepparttar 113628 borders between muscles and around joints causes these soft tissues to be less able to protect themselves from minor injury.

Overeating is another major cause of backache. In a thin person, even eating a large meal too can result in overbalancingrepparttar 113629 body inrepparttar 113630 forward position fromrepparttar 113631 extra weight ofrepparttar 113632 food and digestive juices. The reflexive effort to holdrepparttar 113633 shoulders and ribs offrepparttar 113634 overloaded intestinal tract adds torepparttar 113635 strain onrepparttar 113636 back.

A slipped or ruptured disc causes rather severe back pain, often with radiation downrepparttar 113637 thigh and leg, sometimes with "hot spots" somewhere alongrepparttar 113638 course ofrepparttar 113639 pain. Diseased discs come on over a period of years, caused by excessive strain onrepparttar 113640 joints ofrepparttar 113641 back, such as by poor posture, occupational stresses or competitive sports. It is rarely a sudden event in a person having no previous symptoms.

Tips to avoid straining your back

Written by Leonard Alexander .M

Most backaches caused by strained muscles and ligaments can be treated with self-care. Other causes need a medical evaluation and treatment specific torepparttar problem.

Here are some lifting "dos and don'ts" to help you avoid straining your back.


High Heeled shoes are one ofrepparttar 113619 most common reasons for backache. Hence wear good shoes with low heels, not sandals or high heels.

If you need to lift an object, stand close torepparttar 113620 thing you want to lift.

Always Stand Straight and Plant your feet squarely, shoulder width apart.

Bend atrepparttar 113621 knees, not atrepparttar 113622 waist. Keep your knees bent as you lift.

Pull in your stomach and rear end. Keep your back as straight as you can.

Holdrepparttar 113623 object close to your body.

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