Where do real uggs or ugg boots come from?

Written by Michelle Jansen

With ugg boots originating from Australia with at least a century of proof, you would expect this to have a simple answer. It has. But why then isrepparttar buying public being tempted into buying a US product largely manufactured inrepparttar 101309 Far East? Ugg, Ug or Ugh boots have been a hit in Australia for as far back as anyone can remember. They’ve warmedrepparttar 101310 feet of our drovers, our World War I pilots, our shearers, our surfers andrepparttar 101311 general Australian public. Enterprising Australian’s warmed to their global value and have been exporting them at least as far back asrepparttar 101312 1960’s with this increasing inrepparttar 101313 1970’s.

There is an increasing public misconception that there is only one brand of ugg boot. This myth has been enlarged byrepparttar 101314 volumes of misinformation being published onrepparttar 101315 Internet and advertising bordering on being misleading.

As is common with any good idea, new businesses crop up and old businesses are bought out by other businesses intent on making an even bigger dollar. The ugg boot phenomenon is no different with various US based companies seeing an opportunity in more recent times. Such wasrepparttar 101316 opportunity for one of these companies that they have launched a worldwide marketing campaign promotingrepparttar 101317 Australian ugg boot. However, just asrepparttar 101318 “cowboy boot” is imbedded in US culture,repparttar 101319 “ugg boot” is imbedded in Australian culture. No amount of marketing can take that fromrepparttar 101320 Aussies who have usedrepparttar 101321 term “ugg” and “ugg boots” (and various spellings) in their generic form whilst selling them both within and outside Australia for years. More than a century of use validates this with one ofrepparttar 101322 longest surviving manufacturers hailing fromrepparttar 101323 east coast of Australia with their founding year being 1933.

The global spread of ugg boots gathered pace inrepparttar 101324 late 1960’s whenrepparttar 101325 surfing fraternity realised just how warm they were. Surfers, by their very nature were itinerant, chasingrepparttar 101326 world’s best waves, so along with their surfboards, they took their humble Australian ugg boots. Such wasrepparttar 101327 popularity of ugg boots in surfing circles that manufacturers and retailers advertised in major world surfing publications with zest. A look through Yellow Page directories during those decades yields dozens of manufacturers all selling uggs.

Canadian Immigration

Written by Dave Lympany

Successful Canadian Immigration

One ofrepparttar most disheartening things I hear about Canadian Immigration isrepparttar 101308 stories of families who return to their original country after unsuccessfully attempting to settle in Canada. One ofrepparttar 101309 main reasons forrepparttar 101310 failures, it seems, is thatrepparttar 101311 principal member ofrepparttar 101312 household that normally supports everyone financially is unable to gain meaningful employment in their chosen profession or trade.

Many of these stories state that once in Canada it is quickly discovered thatrepparttar 101313 foreign qualifications do not meet Canadian standards and so they cannot find employment without extensive retraining. Most of these cases may have been avoidable ifrepparttar 101314 prospective employment requirements had been thoroughly researched well in advance of landing. Canada has an extremely high standard of education and many other systems simply don’t measure up against theirs – a degree program is 4 years for instance. Sorepparttar 101315 chances are you will have to retrain, recertify or normally as a minimum, start again atrepparttar 101316 bottom. This may seem crazy but it’srepparttar 101317 way it is – at least once your experience is apparent you may well soon find yourself rising uprepparttar 101318 ranks.

When my wife and I moved to Canada I believe we had exceptional luck, but we had also spent two years thoroughly researching our respective occupations inrepparttar 101319 Province of our intended destination. When I realized that my qualifications would not suffice I had to make alternative plans and so set about working towards qualifications that would be attractive to any employer – not just my “niche”.

A first aid at work course run byrepparttar 101320 St Johns ambulance will only cost 2 days of your time and around $150.00 and will instantly make you slightly more attractive to any employer – most Provinces have Laws requiring employers to train their staff. Being computer literate with a variety of applications is almost imperative. Anything that makes you stand out and will reducerepparttar 101321 cost and time needed to train you, will be a massive boost to your Resume. Also, employers arerepparttar 101322 samerepparttar 101323 world over – everyone prefers people who are keen to self improve and make themselves more employable.

The first step is to decide which Province you wish to settle in as each has its own educational assessment agencies and occupational regulators. The Federal application for skilled trades bases your trade onrepparttar 101324 National Occupation Classification (NOC) list. However, some “Red Seal” trades are regulated in such ways that they transfer between Provinces, butrepparttar 101325 majority of trades and professions do not, which means recertification if you ever move.

Once you have an idea whereabouts in Canada you want to settle, contactrepparttar 101326 agency that will carryout your educational assessment and follow their instructions. Once you know what your qualifications equate to you will have a good point from which to start. Then usingrepparttar 101327 PROVINCIAL regulators find out exactly where you stand with regards your intended field of expertise. The International Credential Assessment Service (ICAS) in Ontario provides a service that evaluates educational documents to provide a Canadian equivalent that can be used for employment, immigration or further education. ICAS also has information and advisory services for all types and levels of education - elementary, secondary, postsecondary and technical. I would definitely recommend contacting them well in advance for some professional advice. You can findrepparttar 101328 contact details on our website “Job search” and “Ontario Immigration assistance” pages at http://www.onestopimmigration-canada.com.

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