Words Have Power

Written by D. Braun

How many times have you heard or read that words have power? Maybe it was inrepparttar context of working 'magic' or 'positive affirmations' or visualization techniques and you just dismissed it as more of that 'psychic hooha'.

Well, in my humble opinion, if you dismissed it, then you're closing your mind to an important truth.

We all have tempers - lord knows I do. And I'm DANG good at lashing out with words - I have elevated nearly torepparttar 128659 level of an art form. Am I proud of this? Nope. I fight it, daily.

Why? I mean, some folks deserve to get blasted with both barrells, right?

Well, words have power. (heard that before?) Andrepparttar 128660 other truth that goes with that is 'For every action there is an opposite and equal reaction'.

Let's take my words have power statement first. If you don't believe me, just think about these.

A stressed and frustrated mother to her child who has just stepped across her final 'line': "You are driving me crazy, how could you be so stupid?" The child's face falls, his self-esteem plummets andrepparttar 128661 seed of him believing he's stupid is planted - or, reinforced.

A dad who's had a bit too much to drink to his daughter, "You're never going to amount to anything." Atrepparttar 128662 very least, a seed of self-perception is planted - and like weeds, they take hold and grow.

A high school freshman whispering to her friends, just loud enough forrepparttar 128663 girl with glasses or acne to hear, "She is so ugly, aren't you glad you don't look like her, I mean, GROSS!" A seed - 'I'm ugly' - and somethingrepparttar 128664 girl will never forget and have to fight inside of herself for years and maybe a lifetime.

A teacher to a student, "Great job! I can see you really worked hard on this project, you did awesome!" The kid stands a little straighter, tries to holdrepparttar 128665 grin inside. A different kind of seed is planted.

Mother to her daughter, "I am so proud ofrepparttar 128666 young lady you are becoming." Again, a different kind of seed. One that can grow into healthy self-esteem if nurtured.

Fear is nothing to be afraid of!

Written by Damien Senn

Fear is nothing to be afraid of!

What do you do when fear shows up? Do you hide underrepparttar covers of life, shivering as you anxiously wait forrepparttar 128657 moment to pass or do you stand up with a confident smile and embrace it?

Your answer to this simple question will have a considerable impact onrepparttar 128658 level of freedom, excitement and empowerment you experience on a daily basis. Whatever your response,repparttar 128659 thing to remember is that your fears are nothing to be afraid of!

What is Fear?

The Oxford dictionary defines fear as “an unpleasant emotion caused byrepparttar 128660 expectation of pain”. The thing to note here is thatrepparttar 128661 emotion of fear is caused byrepparttar 128662 ‘expectation’ of pain rather thanrepparttar 128663 actual ‘experience’ of pain. There is no requirement that our fears be based on any form of rational or objective thought. In fact, it’s entirely possible thatrepparttar 128664 fears that exist in our lives are based purely on anticipated scenarios that may never actually transpire. The problem is however, that we live and act as if these scenarios are constantly replaying in our lives.

False Evidence that Appears Real.

One of my favourite definitions of fear is “False Evidence that Appears Real”. In today’s modern society we are conditioned to be fearful of just about everything. We fear failure, yet also fear success. We fear being lonely, yet fear being truly loved. We fear restrictions on our freedom to speak, yet we fear speaking out.

You are not Alone.

I think one ofrepparttar 128665 big things to consider about fear is that you are not alone. We all experience fear. It’s a very natural part of being human. It’s not fear itself that’srepparttar 128666 problem, it’s what we actually do withrepparttar 128667 fear when it enters our lives. Channelled effectively, fear can be a great catalyst for change and a tool for reclaiming your personal power. Atrepparttar 128668 other extreme, avoiding fear will paralyse your life force.

Physical Symptoms of Fear.

The physical symptoms that we experience as a result of fear are really not as frightening as many of us make out. Some typical fear symptoms includerepparttar 128669 tightening ofrepparttar 128670 chest and throat, muscle weakness, sweaty palms, energy depletion, a dry mouth and breathlessness. What, no loss of limbs or physical torture? In all seriousness, when you really think about it,repparttar 128671 physical symptoms of fear are hardly anything to be afraid of.

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