Work Your Autoresponder: Opinions & Product Reviews on Autoresponse

Written by Shery Ma Belle Arrieta

People are interested to hear about someone's opinion on a product or service.

When I scout for a web host,repparttar first thing I look for are testimonials from those who are already withrepparttar 109610 web host. If their testimonials include their Web site or e-mail address, I visit their site or e-mail them for reaffirmation.

When I buy books on Amazon, I readrepparttar 109611 readers' reviews first because they help me in my book-buying decision.

The same thing goes when I'm reading a sales page. What people think of a product, e-book, service or software matters a great deal, and can influence my decision to buy or not to buy.

As an e-zine publisher or Web site owner, you have an "influence" on your readers or visitors. When you recommend a product or service to them, your words will have an effect on their decision.

Many of us buy products (e-books, reports, software) that help us in our online marketing efforts. Which of these products do you honestly feel you can endorse to your r eaders and/or visitors?

Write an honest evaluation or review ofrepparttar 109612 products you have bought.

Talk aboutrepparttar 109613 many benefits you have derived from owning them.

What are their weak points? Where do these products excel?

Finally - New Spam Prevention Product That Works!

Written by Lee Traupel

Businesses and consumers are drowning in a never-ending deluge of Spam (junk mail) - according to reports just released by Quris, Inc. Spam has increased 450% from June of 2001 to now. Furthermore, 70% of respondents indicated they are receiving so much e-mail inrepparttar form of Spam that it's negating their acceptance and responsiveness to legitimate opt-in e-mail messages (permission based). The average business user is forced to spend 20-30 minutes a day wading through Spam clogged e-mail in-boxes trying to separate legitimate e-mail fromrepparttar 109609 junk in order to deleterepparttar 109610 latter.

Many companies have tried to offer Spam solutions that are based primarily on filtering technology. But, most of these products and services have not worked well in practice -repparttar 109611 ingenious spammers have learned work arounds by constantly changing their fake e-mail addresses and text to avoidrepparttar 109612 blocking filters. It's been a war of attrition to date andrepparttar 109613 spammers have been wining so far!

I am pleased to report that one company has developed an elegant but simple solution that has blocked 100% ofrepparttar 109614 Spam that was sent to me during a test period of five days. The company is DigiPortal Software, Inc. and their Spam killer application is called ChoiceMail. It works extremely well, is easy to setup and only costs $29.95 (introductory price) and they even offer a fourteen-day trial period for no charge to test driverepparttar 109615 product. And,repparttar 109616 solution runs on your desktop and does not necessitate your working with a third party server and doesn't require any service charges. Most importantly, it putsrepparttar 109617 burden of proof onrepparttar 109618 Spammers, forcing them to have your permission to contact you.

Here is how DigiPortal's clever solution and software work: You download or purchaserepparttar 109619 software and install it on your PC (sorry PC version only right now) and setup your approval list by exporting your address book. From that point forward ChoiceMail automatically assumes all inbound e-mail is Spam and it blocks any e-mail that is not on an approved list that you have created.

Ifrepparttar 109620 e-mail sender is on your approved list it makes it through to your inbox; if not, then ChoiceMail blocksrepparttar 109621 mail address and adds it to a rejection list and sendsrepparttar 109622 sender a notification that you're on a "permission network" and that he/she has to click through to a web site and send you a message by filling out a form that automatically forwardsrepparttar 109623 person's message to you, so you can elect to receive it or not.

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