Work from Home, Part-Time As A Mystery Shopper

Written by Alexa Kahill

word count: 553 character width: 60 resource box: 4 lines + web link to "Paid Mystery Shopper Employment Directory"


Work from Home, Part-Time As A Mystery Shopper

- By Alexa Kahill

(c) Alexa Kahill - All Rights Reserved


Mystery Shopping - An Easy Part-Time Home-Based Business Opportunity That You Can Start With Little to No Investment

What if there was a way to work from home doing a job that was actually fun and didn't require much inrepparttar way of specialized skills or start-up costs? Would you be interested in learning more?

Ever considered working as a Mystery Shopper? Not quite sure what Mystery Shopping is? First of all, Mystery Shopping is a very real business. Every day all types of business are visited and evaluated by Mystery Shoppers. Mystery Shoppers look and act like regular customers, but they're more. They've been hired to discretely evaluaterepparttar 100438 quality ofrepparttar 100439 service they're receiving from employees.

Mystery shoppers check to see whether or not employees are offering special promotions, ifrepparttar 100440 food and drinks they order arrive within certain timeframes, if they're being greeted in person and onrepparttar 100441 telephone in a friendly, professional manner, ifrepparttar 100442 restrooms are clean, ifrepparttar 100443 store shelves are properly stocked and whatever other criteria they've been hired to evaluate.

The part of this business that'srepparttar 100444 mystery is thatrepparttar 100445 employees being evaluated aren't supposed to know which of their customers are performingrepparttar 100446 evaluations. That way, these employees perform in a more natural manner; they may or may not perform their duties as they have been trained to do.

Mystery Shopper Job Skills

Do you know good service when you see and get it? Are you good at paying attention to details? Do you have a strong memory? Are your communication skills, both written and oral, a bit better than average? And most importantly, can you keep a secret?

If you're on assignment and you're seen taking notes, or you're overhead talking about your assignment, or you glance around excessively or ask too many questions, you'll blow your cover. And if employees know you'rerepparttar 100447 Mystery Shopper, they'll be on their best behavior. They'll do all they've been trained to do, when otherwise they might not have.

The Quest for Passive Income

Written by David Parton

Passive Income, residuals, royalties three ways to get paid multiple times for a one-time effort. You write a song in 1970 it gets covered by many artists. Each artist sells many albums or radio stations play your tune and Presto! you get a royalty check inrepparttar mail, even decades after you first publishedrepparttar 100437 song. Here's another example:

The Best-selling author, Robert Ludlum was an extremely popular spy-thriller writer. Espionage based fiction was at its peak duringrepparttar 100438 Cold War Years prior torepparttar 100439 collapse ofrepparttar 100440 Soviet Union andrepparttar 100441 Berlin Wall. Two of his titles, The Bourne Identity and The Bourne Supremacy were written inrepparttar 100442 mid-seventies, roughly thirty years ago.

Both books became recent smash hits starring Matt Damon. Mr Ludlum gets royalties fromrepparttar 100443 box office,VHS and DVD and (I am assuming) merchandise sales from these films. Not only that,repparttar 100444 movies have stirred up an interest in all of his books. They have been re-printed and released again torepparttar 100445 book-buying public. All of this from two books he wrote 3 decades ago! Can you say Ka-ching!

That isrepparttar 100446 power of residual income. I intend to write a bestseller one day. It has always been a dream of mine. My Father was a writer and I come from a family of devoted readers. I have a passion for books and that is what impels me to write. The idea of royalties is just icing onrepparttar 100447 cake. But such enticing icing!

Building a passive income is also one ofrepparttar 100448 main reasons people get involved in Network marketing. You can build a Network that continues to grow even after you have retired fromrepparttar 100449 business. Take a month off -check's inrepparttar 100450 mail. Take a year off to backpack through India - there's a check coming in every month you are away. Try to do that with your job. Or harder still: Try and leave your employees to manrepparttar 100451 helm for a year and see what happens. Maybe, not so good.

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