Xml2PDF formatting engine version 2.1 released

Written by Altsoft Xml2PDF

Xml2PDF formatting engine 2.1 November 17, 2004 Altsoft N.V.

Altsoft N.V. is proud to announcerepparttar release of version 2.1 of its Xml2PDF formatting engine.

The update includes: - improved speed and memory management; - improved font embedding and selection; - support for patterns in SVG; - support for XML image embedding based on "RFC2397: URL scheme" in all formats; - advanced HTML conflicts resolution in XHTML; - enhanced UI in client applications;

All editions of Xml2PDF formatting engine, which include Client UI, Command Line, Hotfolder and .NET API, are automatically updated.

For PublishAmerica read ScamAmerica

Written by Eddie Bruce

I have to admit to being readily impressed by company names. Maybe it's an age thing. You see, I was around when we had nationalised industries here in Britain, you know, British Railways, British Gas, British Steel, British Road Services, etc., etc. Those companies may have been over-staffed and under-efficient but you always knew you could trust them, and a product marked "Made in Britain" had class - in those days. Even after they became privatisedrepparttar word "British" in a company name still, in my subconscious at least, gave that firm a stamp of approval. Those wererepparttar 126385 heady days when we had some traditional industries and workers could rely upon union protection to prevent their jobs being shipped out to third world countries.

When a company called PublishAmerica (http://www.publishamerica.com/index.asp) agreed to publish my small collection of short stories, I was delighted. This wasn't a 'tuppence ha'penny' outfit but an organisation that boasted "America" in its title. I've never been to America but I have made some good "virtual" friends there and know how patriotic Americans are. How could you not feel safe doing business with a firm that so proudly flewrepparttar 126386 flag of that famous super power? When I checked out PublishAmerica's website, all red, white and blue withrepparttar 126387 slogan "We treat our authorsrepparttar 126388 old-fashioned way - we pay them," I felt truly blessed. A publisher of high esteem (I believedrepparttar 126389 testimonials) recognisedrepparttar 126390 reader-appeal of my stories and my potential as a writer.

Further encouragement came fromrepparttar 126391 "Why PublishAmerica?" page where I was told "The majority of our books that are sold retail are sold in physical brick and mortar bookstores" and "PublishAmerica can removerepparttar 126392 stigma of paying to be published. With PublishAmerica, you will haverepparttar 126393 very important distinction of having your book ACCEPTED BY A TRADITIONAL PUBLISHING COMPANY."

Yet something aboutrepparttar 126394 company name puzzled me. I mean, why not "The American Publishing Company" or similar? As it stands "PublishAmerica" could be interpreted as an ambition to publish anything and everything that was ever written in that country. Amazingly, that interpretation very much sums up their objectives.

In my enthusiasm I had been studying PA's Author's Message Board, following links to previously published author's websites and reading allrepparttar 126395 reviews and book excerpts I could find (not realising that authors with anything pertinent to say are instantly barred from posting). Then I read one of their books from cover to cover. Now, my own education at an orphanage school inrepparttar 126396 Highlands of Scotland was very basic, so my grasp of English Grammar left something to be desired. Nevertheless, convinced I had stories to tell andrepparttar 126397 ability to tell them, I had joined Internet critique groups to learn how to present them. When I read my first PublishAmerica book my feelings were a blend of embarrassment, anger and disbelief. The writer had obviously worked hard to putrepparttar 126398 story together and it hadrepparttar 126399 makings of an entertaining read. It reminded me so much of my own first and only attempt at writing a novel - abundant clichés, suspect word selection, contrived scenes and wooden characters existing in a plot that lacked cohesion. It was in fact a story barely atrepparttar 126400 first draft stage, complete with spelling and grammatical errors. How could an ethical, self-respecting publishing house allow this to happen, I wondered?

PublishAmerica/ScamAmerica are most definitely NOT traditional publishers whatever their slogan implies. Recently interviewed by Steven Zeitchik of Publishers Weekly, PublishAmerica executive director Miranda N. Prather admits that her company DOES NOT EDIT FOR CONTENT, only for grammar and spelling. For readers and writers everywhere this has to berepparttar 126401 most worrying statement ever made on behalf of a publisher. But it gets worse. Simultaneously Ms Prather announcedrepparttar 126402 creation of an affiliation between PublishAmerica and Online Publishing Bookstore - Tome Toaster (http://www.onlinepublishingbookstore.com). Quote "Authors that generate sales and create a track record showing that they are able to promote as well as write a book will be referred to PublishAmerica by Tome Toaster." So we have a situation where a writer's ability to self-promote supersedes everything, includingrepparttar 126403 ability to pen a readable story.

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