You Don't Have To Be A Genius To Write A Love Poem

Written by Marguerite Bonneville

Love poems are a wonderfully romantic gesture and can often express your thoughts far more eloquently than verbal communication.

If you have some talent with words, why not take a few moments and try your hand at writing a poem for your lover? Just sit down and list allrepparttar reasons why you think they're special. Then put them into some kind of free verse format: a wide column of lines, roughlyrepparttar 128613 same length, which may rhyme but don't need to.

Even if your poem won't win any literary prizes,repparttar 128614 person you present it to will most likely treasure it as if it were composed by one ofrepparttar 128615 great Romantic poets. People tend to value a personalized gift far more than one that's purchased. What they're really appreciating isrepparttar 128616 time and effort invested on their behalf.

I'd like to share a story ofrepparttar 128617 first time I received a love poem.

When I was twelve years old I had a crush on Robert,repparttar 128618 new boy in my class at school, and he had very generously decided that I was "cute". One afternoon we were waiting with some classmates atrepparttar 128619 bus stop when he announced that he didn't like me anymore. He was now in love with my best friend, Julie.

I was so incensed by this betrayal that I lunged at him and chased him downrepparttar 128620 street. He swerved intorepparttar 128621 gutter and I bolted after him just asrepparttar 128622 bus pulled in. It hit me from behind and I went down. The bus then ran over my right foot.

A short time later,repparttar 128623 ambulance arrived andrepparttar 128624 paramedic driver examined me. He decided that I didn't need hospitalization so he drove me home with instructions to spendrepparttar 128625 next six weeks in bed. Meanwhile, a distraught Robert was blaming himself forrepparttar 128626 accident. He askedrepparttar 128627 other children atrepparttar 128628 bus stop where I lived, and walkedrepparttar 128629 two miles to my house. Then he sat acrossrepparttar 128630 street onrepparttar 128631 pavement, wondering if my father would strangle him if he knocked atrepparttar 128632 front door.

In Your Own Words

Written by Elaine Currie, BA (Hons)

More Tips For New Writers (Part I)

Explain in your own words

Familiar phrase? Yes, we have all heard it many times in many different situations. This little phrase is used to convey subtly different meanings depending uponrepparttar circumstances in which it is used. At school,repparttar 128610 teacher means "Don’t just copy chunks out of a book; show me you can write an essay". In an examinationrepparttar 128611 words mean "Prove that you understandrepparttar 128612 question and knowrepparttar 128613 answer". On an insurance claim form it means "Tell us what happened from your point of view". From a Judge it means "Tellrepparttar 128614 truth without embellishment".

What do all these people have in common? They want to hear what you know, what you think about things. They don’t want something you have copied from somebody else, they don’t want regurgitated chunks of something learned by rote, they don’t want to hear somebody else’s words repeated, they don’t want to hear excuses. They want to hear what you have to say. They want honesty.

Honesty isrepparttar 128615 best policy

If you want to write, you must learn to write honestly. By this I do not mean that it is essential for you to always tellrepparttar 128616 unvarnished truth (this article is not about personal development: it is about writing and moral debate has no place here). I mean use your own words, your own style, your own "voice". Do not try to imitate a writer you admire. Imitation is said to berepparttar 128617 sincerest form of flattery. That may be true enough but most imitations turn out to be poor copies ofrepparttar 128618 original item. Make your writingrepparttar 128619 real deal; don’t give peoplerepparttar 128620 chance to say: "He’s that guy who tries to write like Stephen King". Believe me, they won’t mean it as a compliment; what they are really saying is: "He’s that guy who tries to write like Stephen King but fails and (snigger, snigger) he doesn’t realise it". Being honest hasrepparttar 128621 undoubted advantage that it saves you having to remember what lies you told previously. It should also make you feel good and that‘s a bonus.

There have, of course, been instances where an unknown artist has created a painting inrepparttar 128622 style of a master andrepparttar 128623 work had been painted so skilfully that experts declared it to be authentic. Remember, though,repparttar 128624 forger had skill of his own inrepparttar 128625 first place. Whether you are forging a masterpiece or a bank note, you need to possess skill as well asrepparttar 128626 appropriate tools. If you are new to writing, it is highly unlikely that you will be able to manage a convincing imitation of a famous author’s style. Indeed, you will probably find it difficult to even begin to analyse what makes a particular author’s writing uniquely personal. Writing "inrepparttar 128627 style of" can be a valuable exercise for trainee writers but it should only ever be an exercise, not a substitute for authenticity. If you have what it takes to be a writer, get out there, write and make sure your fingerprints are all over your work declaring it to be yours and yours alone.

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