gomembers to participate at ASAE/Center for Association Leadership AMS Demo Days

Written by gomembers, Inc.


gomembers to participate at ASAE/Center for Association Leadership AMS Demo Days

[Herndon, VA] gomembers, Inc. (http://www.gomembers.com) will serve as a vendor panel member duringrepparttar first day ofrepparttar 103786 American Society of Association Executives/Center for Association Leadership (ASAE: http://www.asaenet.org) Demo Days workshop on November 9th. On November 10th, gomembers will offer demonstrations of their flagship AMS product, Q. Q isrepparttar 103787 association management software system developed withinrepparttar 103788 .NET framework to provide maximum functionality and flexibility for users.

The two-day program is designed to help association executives learn to evaluate their options in selecting an association management software system. “We are happy to participate with ASAE in this worthwhile program,” said Tom McGourty, Vice President of Sales and Marketing for gomembers. “The opportunity for association executives to get both user and vendor analysis to guide them throughrepparttar 103789 critical decision making process is invaluable. Plus, withrepparttar 103790 additional opportunity to have product demonstrations fromrepparttar 103791 vendors duringrepparttar 103792 program, they can get a good foundation of information to help guide them throughrepparttar 103793 process. This will be time well spent for any association executive who is considering adding or upgrading their software.” For any questions, please do not hesitate to contact gomembers via email at: gomembers-inc@gomembers.com

gomembers opens new corporate office training center

Written by gomembers, Inc.


gomembers opens new corporate office training center

[Herndon, VA] gomembers, Inc. (http://www.gomembers.com) releasedrepparttar 2004-2005 class schedule for its training facility in their new corporate offices in Herndon, VA (http://www.gomembers.com/training/index.html). gomembers offers comprehensive training classes their software solutions that serverepparttar 103785 membership and meeting planning needs of non-profit organizations and professional meeting and event planners.

Training at gomembers provides students with hands-on learning taught by skilled, experienced instructors. Students learn in small class sizes, away from everyday office distractions. Courses help to train staff quickly and easily, maximize staff productivity, and teachrepparttar 103786 latest software features and functions. Additionally, training with users from other organizations gives them an opportunity to network with other gomembers customers and learn how other associations are utilizingrepparttar 103787 software.

“Training at gomembers provides a valuable resource forrepparttar 103788 each student,” explained Ann Belair, Director of Operations for gomembers, Inc. “By gaining a more complete understanding ofrepparttar 103789 software, our customers can get maximum value fromrepparttar 103790 software, and see tremendous productivity increases in their employees.”

Training classes are available for all of gomembers’ solutions and cover a wide variety of topics. For more information, or to register for classes, contact gomembers at 1.888.288.4634 ext. 2031 or email training@gomembers.com.

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